Latest Past Events

Reading’s Radical Thinkers and Reformers – A Guided Walk

Talbot House 55 Castle Street, Reading

We're delighted to have Terry Dixon (who organises Terry's Reading Walkabouts) to give us a guided tour of Reading's Radical Thinkers and Reformers. Come and join us for a wonderful opportunity to find out about some of the people from Reading who have made significant contributions to making the world a better place. All Welcome.


Is Religion the Opium of the People?

Reading Friends Meeting House 2 Church Street, Reading

Karl Marx famously described religion as the "Opium of the People". Was he right? Join us for a discussion of the nature of religion, how did it come about, and what role has it played in society. Alan Montgomery, chair of Reading Humanists, will lead a discission of whether this holds true, or if there is another way to understand religion.


Book Club: Hex by Jenni Fagan

Turks Head 31 London Street, Reading

Join us for a lively and stimulating discussion with like-minded people in a relaxed atmosphere. Our next book choice is Hex by Jenni Fagan. It's a work of historical fiction re-telling the true story of Geillis Duncan who was hanged as a witch in Edinburgh in 1591.