
We welcome everyone who shares our values to our meetings – you don’t have to be a member of Humanists UK or even call yourself a humanist! All our events are publicised through Meetup, and you can also sign up for our newsletter to be the first to hear about future events.

Regular meetings

We meet once a month at the Quaker Meeting House in Reading, usually on theĀ  3rd Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm. Events are a mix of external and/or internal speakers, presentations, debates and discussions.

Book Club

Every other month the Book Club meets at The Turks Head, London Road, Reading on Monday evening. The book for the next meeting is agreed by the members of the book club.

Lunchtime Debating Club

A monthly Lunch Club meeting is held at a local pub to discuss topical issues on the fourth Wednesday of the month.

Social Events

We arrange social events including meals out and locals walks a few times a year.


We ran an online six session Introduction to Humanism: One Life course in Autumn 2024 with Windsor Humanists and plan to run something similar in early 2026.


In 2025 we are planning to hold a number of online events jointly with Windsor Humanists. These will be posted on Meetup and communicated in our newsletter.



You can find Humanist groups nearby including: