Magazines and newsletters
The Freethinker is the online magazine of freethought, open enquiry and irreverence. Founded in 1881, it has a long history of challenging religious privilege. Its current editor, Emma Park, was appointed in 2022. Its stance is culturally liberal, politically unaligned, and sceptical of all forms of ideological tyranny. Subscribe to the free fortnightly newsletter.
The Freethinker is funded by Secular Society Ltd, a not-for-profit with secular humanist aims, including “To promote the utmost freedom of enquiry”.
The New Humanist “We’re a quarterly magazine of culture and science, published since 1885. New Humanist is for anyone who wants to understand the ideas, conflicts and systems shaping our world – climate, capitalism, technology, fundamentalism, struggles for equality and more. We publish a beautiful edition once every three months full of serious, intelligent essays and reportage. Subscribe to our print and digital editions.
New Humanist is published by the Rationalist Association, a registered charity promoting rational inquiry and debate based on evidence rather than belief.”
Humanistically Speaking Launched in 2020, Humanistically Speaking is a monthly online publication that grew out of the South Central England Humanists Network (SCEHN). Short articles, gossip, news and views from grass-roots humanists. Its approachable, kaleidoscopic style aims to present Humanism for all. You can register to have an account and join in the discussion on articles.
The latest Humanistically Speaking Articles. are available online and updated monthly.