Reading Humanists – Constitution

Approved by committee on 14th June 2021, subject to ratification by AGM

1) TITLE AND AIM. The group shall be called Reading Humanists. The aim of the group shall be to promote Humanism, provide a “home” for the Humanists and like-minded people in the Reading area, and act as a social organization in the wider community.

2) MEMBERSHIP Any person who agrees with the aim of the group may become a member on paying the annual subscription. The Executive Committee may terminate the membership of, or refuse to admit as a member, any person whose conduct they consider to be inconsistent with the aims of the group.

3) OFFICERS. The officers shall be Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary and Treasurer. These shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the group. The Chair shall not serve for more than three consecutive years.

4) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee (EC) shall consist of the officers and up to eight further members to be elected at the AGM. Any vacancy may be filled by the EC. The general business of the group shall be controlled and carried out by the EC whose meetings will be presided over by the Chair or the Vice-chair. It shall meet at least once every four months and at least 10 days’ notice shall be given to committee members. A quorum shall be four members. Decisions shall be by a simple majority; in the case of a tie the chair of the meeting shall have a casting vote.

5) GENERAL MEETINGS. An AGM shall be held before the 1st of March each year. It shall receive: “audited” accounts (i.e. examined and agreed by a member other than the Treasurer) and the report of the EC for the year that ended on the previous 31st December. It shall elect officers of the group and members of the EC and appoint the independent examiner. At least 21 days’ notice shall be given to all members; nominations and notices of resolutions must be received by the secretary at least seven days before the meeting.
A special general meeting may be called by the EC or shall, on receipt of a request signed by not fewer than 15% of the membership, be called by the Secretary within six weeks of receiving such a request. At least 21 days’ notice shall be given to all members. With the exception of AGMs, only business on the agenda shall be discussed at general meetings.
The quorum at all general meetings shall be 15% of the membership.
In any dispute concerning the affairs of the group a general meeting shall be the final authority.

6) FINANCE. The income and property of the group shall be devoted to the promotion of the aim of the group. Officers and members of the EC may not receive payment for their service to the group, though their expenses may be reimbursed. In the event of the group having to be wound up, all funds shall go to Humanists UK after the payment of liabilities. The annual subscription to the group shall be set by the AGM. Cheques for an amount greater than £200.00 must be signed by two out of Chair, Vice-chair, and Treasurer.

7) CONSTITUTION. Amendments to the constitution may only be considered at general meetings, and all members shall be informed at least 21 days in advance of the proposed amendments. To be carried, such amendments shall require a two-thirds majority of the votes cast.

8) AFFILIATIONS. The group shall be a partner of Humanists UK.  Affiliation to other bodies may be made by resolution at a general meeting.

Reading Humanists Partnership Agreement

Reading has signed Humanist UK’s standard partnership agreement. You can see a copy here.